News Business

5 PB’S Masters Training

Last week, during three days, we gathered at Attendorn, Germany 35 employees from different countries to an intensive training action in 5 PBs.
5 PBs is SODECIA tool to analyze internal problems and to find their root cause and solutions.

During those three days, participants had the chance to consolidate their knowledge about the tool and to do a step more to become multipliers of the tool in their home countries.

The course was half-theoretical and practical, allowing participants to have a hands-on experience. With the help of SODECIA Trainers, participants were challenged to identify the root cause of some local real problems and suggest solutions for them. 
Was amazing to see the interaction between all participants and the effort they all put into this training.

This was the first step of a course to grant an internal certification as 5 PBs Master, so there is still a lot of work to do!
A special word to thanks to those colleagues in Attendorn that received and help us to turn this action in a success.

Thanks to all!